Site da USP



Ana Carla Campos

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jorge Esquiche Leon

Laboratório de Pesquisa Morfológica e Laboratório de Histotecnologia.

Course: Ph.D.


Ana Carolina Lourenço Veloni

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Chahud

Ocular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Ana Carolina Miguel Alvarenga

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Britto Garcia

Laboratório de Técnicas Histopatológicas do CEMEL

Course: Master


Analany Pereira Dias Araujo

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado

Forensic Anthropology Laboratory

Microtomography Laboratory of the National Institute of Criminalistics

Course: Master


Anderson Tangerino Ferreira da Silva

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jorge Esquiche Leon

Oncopathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Andressa Duarte

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Oncopathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Carlos Antonio Vicentin Junior

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado

Forensic Anthopology Laboratory

Microtomography Laboratory of the National Insitute of Criminalistics

Course: Master


Carolline Fontes Alves Mariano

Advisor: Profa. Dra. Mariangela Ottoboni Brunaldi

Laboratório de Patologia Ocular

Course: Ph.D.


Cindy Maki Sato

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Master


Cristiano Hayoshi Choji

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D


Diogo Akio Kumagai Hashimoto

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Britto Garcia

Laboratory of Histopathological Techniques of the CEMEL

Course: Ph.D


Eduardo de Pádua Rigo

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Master


Everton Felix Cesar

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Britto Garcia

Laboratory of Histopathological Techniques of the CEMEL

Course: Ph.D.


Fabio Henrique Mendonça

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Hermes de Freitas Barbosa

Laboratory of Bioethics and Medical Ethics

Course: Master


Fausto Gobbo

Advisor: Prof. Dr Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Human Identification Laboratory

Course: Master


Fayla de Carvalho Cotrim

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Master


Fernanda Araújo Melato

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Britto Garcia

Laboratory of Histopathological Techniques of the CEMEL

Course: Master


Frederico Adão de Oliveira Santana

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Chahud

Ocular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Isabela dos Santos Moreira

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva

Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (FORP/USP)

Course: Master


Jamile Barboza de Oliveira

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Todorovic Fabro

Pulmonary and Molecular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Jéssica Cristina Leme

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Cell Pathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


João da Cunha Neto

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Master


João Thiago Aragão Fermiano

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Cell Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


João Victor Batista da Silva

Advisor: Profª. Drª. Leandra N. Zambelli Ramalho

Cell Pathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Larissa Rodrigues Abib

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado

Forensic Anthropology Laboratory

Microtomography Laboratory of the National Institute of Criminalistics

Course: Master


Luana Souza Amorim

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado

Forensic Anthropology Laboratory

Microtomography Laboratory of the National Institute of Criminalistics

Course: Master


Lucas Meciano Pereira dos Santos

Advisor: Prof. Dr. João Paulo Mardegan Issa

Morphological Research Laboratory and Histotechnology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Lucas Ribeiro Teixeira

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Chahud

Ocular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Maria Clara Panciera

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva

Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (FORP/USP)

Course: Master


Mirela Cristina da Silva

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva

Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (FORP/USP)

Course: Master


Pablo de Oliveira Silva

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Cell Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Patrícia dos Santos Leão Pimenta

Advisor: Profa. Dra. Simone Gusmão Ramos

Pulmonary Pathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Paulo Henrique Viana Pinto

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva

Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (FORP/USP)

Course: Ph.D.


Pedro César Pádua Bonifácio

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Cell Pathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Pedro Henrique Derussi Gonçalves

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Human Identification Laboratory

Course: Master


Rafael Rodrigues Sena Alvarez

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Human Identification Laboratory

Course: Master

Raissa Bastos Vieira

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Carlos Eduardo Palhares Machado

Forensic Anthopology Laboratory

Microtomography Laboratory of the National Insitute of Criminalistics

Course: Master


Sabrina de França Vilaça

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Human Identification Laboratory

Course: Master


Sabrina Setembre Batah

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Todorovic Fabro

Pulmonary and Molecular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Sebastião Antonio de Barros Júnior

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Chahud

Ocular Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Stéphanie Rosa

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Human Identification Laboratory

Course: Master


Suziene Caroline da Silva

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Britto Garcia

Oncopathology Laboratory

Course: Ph.D.


Thayane Rafaela Feola Pizzo

Advisor: Profa. Dra. Cibele Maria Prado Zinni

Course: Ph.D.


Tiago de Paula Bianchi

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Fernando Silva Ramalho

Liver Pathology Laboratory

Course: Master


Victor Jacometti

Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva

Forensic Dentistry Laboratory (FORP/USP)

Course: Master